So to begin with, let's discuss who exactly we'll be playing as. This is especially interesting to work with because alchemy is often overlooked in the Elder Scrolls series, so a build that focuses on this skill may lead to all sorts of creative possibilities. Greetings, all! For this build, I wanted to make something a little different from the standard fare inspired by the plague doctors that haunted medieval Europe in 1346, and influenced by the Daedric prince Peryite, I bring you a build that relies on an unlikely combination: alchemy and conjuration magic. And though none in Skyrim know his true name, those who lay their eyes upon this evil omen simply call him. He is the embodiment of uncleanliness, of the gnawing fever and the wretched abyss. Where he walks, death will follow, as will pain, filth, and darkness. Flowers wilt, food spoils, and a dark plague falls over all who cross his path. The rich, clean air of the north grows bitter at his approach.